
Showing posts from August, 2010

The First Command

“You shall have no other gods. What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.” (Small Catechism, 1st Commandment) This commandment may seem to be a bit outdated. After all, not many of us have little statues in our homes that we bow down to. We don’t make a habit of worshiping gods or goddesses in the traditional sense. We might think that because of this we can skip this commandment and move straight on to the next one. However, God does not give us such authority. Not one dot of the law shall pass away (Matthew 5:18). This commandment still holds true. It still applies to us, as sophisticated as we might think we are, because there are other gods in our lives. And we often place them in front of and above our Heavenly Father. Think about where you spend the bulk of your time. Where do you spend the bulk of your money? Does the television get more hours in a day than God? Does the satellite company get more of my money than Christ’s Churc...