
Showing posts from February, 2012


“The blood of Jesus [God’s] Son cleanses us from all sin.” I John 1:7 Friends in Christ, There has been much talk recently about the future of religious freedom. Both the federal government and the State of Illinois seem to be intent upon infringing upon the right of religious organizations to worship, believe, practice, and act as we believe God would have us do. Charitable organizations such as Lutheran Child and Family Services and Catholic Charities who obviously have religious roots are being forced to provide adoption services to homosexual couples or lose all state contracts. The Federal Department of Health and Human Services has mandated that religious organizations must provide health insurance coverage of contraceptives and abortive drugs (the so-called “Plan B” pill). These things violate the religious beliefs of, not only LCMS Lutherans, but millions of Americans from across a broad spectrum of religions. I encourage you to contact your representatives c...

Blessed Lent from President Harrison


A Message from the President (worth the read)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In response to President Obama’s announcement Friday concerning an “accommodation” to a previous mandate that health plans must cover all forms of birth control (even those that can kill the unborn), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) remains deeply concerned. We strongly object to the use of drugs and procedures that are used to take the lives of unborn children, who are persons in the sight of God from the time of conception. Drugs such as “Plan B” and “Ella,” which are still included in the mandate, can work post-conception to cause the death of the developing child, so don’t be fooled by statements to the contrary. We see President Obama’s action Friday as significant, in that it appears to have been prompted by the many voices united in concern over an infringement of our religious liberties. But the “accommodation” did not expand the exemption for religious employers, nor did it restrict the mandate in any way. It simply described...