
Showing posts from June, 2012

Open Letter on Religious Freedom

"Free Exercise of Religion: Putting Beliefs into Practice" is an open letter from the leadership of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod along with signers from various other denominations and religions. The letter can be found at this link Also on this page is a video from President Matthew Harrison explaining the need for such a statement at this time.

Love Hurts. Truth Hurts.

I always find it interesting that Saint Paul does not say in I Corinthians 13 that love is "accommodating" or "un-opinionated" or "wishy-washy".  He does not say, "love tells you what you want to hear" or "love tries to make you feel better about yourself". Paul does say, however, that "love...rejoices in the truth".  Love and truth are two sides of the same coin.  Jesus is the love of God for us.  Jesus is the Truth.  This is why the Church must always be loving, and it must always speak the truth.  So here are some ideas that sound loving, but are really lies.  And following are some hard truths which are really loving. 1.  Nice lie: It does not matter what anyone believes as long as they are a good person.      Hard truth: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised      Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) 2.  Nice lie: A man can do as ...