
Showing posts from October, 2012

What do we [Lutherans] stand for?

     What do Christians stand for?  Far too often we have been labeled according to what we stand against.  While it is necessary to reject error and falsehood, there is far more that we are FOR.  The Lord Jesus has not placed us in this world merely to shake our fingers at it, but rather to point that world directly to Him.  The attempt has been made with title such as "pro-life", and "pro-marriage".  However, we can go much further than that.  The content of the Christian faith is an articulation of what "we believe, teach, and confess", not merely what we hate, fear and loathe.      We stand for the Holy Trinity.  In times past the Trinity could be assumed in the United States whenever one used the word "God".  Certainly "Jesus" was seen as a reference to the Second Person of the Trinity.  Today, with the rise of Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and generic New Age spirituality this is no longer the ...

Letting my "dad" out.

Fathers, not school nurses, are to protect their children. Recently Dr Nancy Snyderman commented on NBC's Today Show ( watch the video here ) that it was a good decision by New York schools to provide contraception, which includes the so-called "morning-after-pill", to teenage girls without their parents' consent or knowledge. This is just pure evil on so many different levels that I simply cannot cover them all.  I could go on for hours on Snyderman's ridiculous remark that if you are anti-abortion you need to be anti-pregnancy.  [Actually, if you are anti-abortion you are, by definition, pro -pregnancy.  You might be against pre-marital sex, but never against pregnancy.  A pregnancy is a life, and to be anti-pregnancy would be anti-life.] But I digress.  What I really want to do, for just a moment, is let my inner dad out of the bag (I have a 5 year old daughter) and say how I really feel about this, so here goes: To any physician or school nurse... ...