
Showing posts from February, 2013

Bold Prayer, Bold Confession

(Recent events have me thinking about what kind of prayer might be acceptable in the presence of members of the clergy from other religions.  I offer this example for your thoughts and consideration.) Lord Jesus Christ, You have shown humanity the true meaning of compassion in Your sacrificial death.  You have given us true and certain hope in Your triumphant resurrection.  Silence all those present who would offer a false compassion or a false hope.  Put an end to the blasphemous schemes of the devil who would turn our attention to other gods, to false religions.  Forgive us for seeking comfort in a place where You have not promised to be.  Send forth Your Christian Church to speak the truth of Your Word, which alone can offer the peace that surpasses all understanding, that all who do not trust in You for their salvation would be drawn to You by the working of Your Spirit.  Strengthen us and keep us steadfast in the Your Gospel alone, for You live...

Ash Wednesday Sermon

II Corinthians 5:20-6:10 “Narrow Way” 2 / 13 / 13                                   You walk a narrow and dangerous road every day of your life.   Lutherans especially walk what has been dubbed by some the lonely way, the middle way.   Fall off to one side and we are in trouble.   Fall off to the other side and we are in supernatural peril.                   Life is dangerous, and I do not simply mean all those things that wish to physically harm you.   There are spiritual, theological pitfalls.   And these things matter just as much, if not more than, bodily danger.                           ...