Daily Affirmations from Big D.H.
In a previous stage in my life I worked as a maintenance man (boy) at a summer camp in Central Illinois, just north of Springfield. It was a great job, in fact the only job I have ever had where I woke up each and every day excited about going to work. Part of what I loved about this sort of work was learning new things all of the time. I am not a very "handy" man, so the work was all new and exciting to me. My number one job was to wash dishes. That took about an hour after breakfast and lunch. The rest of the time was filled with mowing and trimming the grass, sweeping floors, making beds, and helping to fix things that had been broken. We had a few construction projects that summer. They were all fairly minor: a new porch, some painting, a new door hung, etc. One such project was putting new trim around a set of garage doors. It is here that I want to introduce you to Derald Henry Sasse. (For all of you Lutheran scholars out the...