
Showing posts from June, 2013

Messiah of Steel: Could Kal-El point us to Jesus?

Recently Christianity Today's "Her-meneutics" blog (here) informed us all that Superman is not Jesus.  To this I believe the world uttered a resounding, "Duh!"  I don't believe I have ever met a person who believes the Superman is the equal of Jesus Christ.  I don't think I have ever met a person who believes the King David is the equal of Jesus.  Their inequality does not stop us from exploring some very interesting, and sometimes helpful, parallels between the fiction of Superman and the history of the New Testament. "Man of Steel" director Zach Snyder has been very open about the fact that he and screenwriter David Goyer were intentional about the Christ imagery in the film.  This is nothing new to film or literature.  Modern stories often employ Biblical imagery and language to add structure and purpose to their own plots. Most of the parallels between Superman and Jesus Christ are fairly obvious.  Superman is sent by his father from...

Modest Lutherans: What does this mean?

Modesty has been a topic going around lately on the internet so I wanted to weigh in from a Lutheran perspective.  For Lutherans (and for Jesus and Paul) the Law of God is summarized very easily: Love God above all and love your neighbor as yourself.  There can be no discussion about how Christians should act towards one another without taking into consideration love for our neighbors. We should, at this point, make a distinction between the biblical use of the word "modesty" and the way it is commonly used in Christian circles today.  Scripture uses "modesty" to mean "not showing off".  It is not about how much skin a person is showing, but about whether or not they should display their wealth and status with their clothing in the congregation. What "modesty" has come to mean in common useage today is that we should cover our skin, not showing it off to the world.  So, for a Lutheran, the real question is, "How do my clothes serve my ...