Your child was ruined the day he was conceived.
If you are a new parent, you might be fooled into thinking that every little thing that you do for your kid must be perfect. Just the right amount of music played softly at night...eating only the best foods...breastfeeding...applying in a spot for preschool years in advance...homeschooling! What if I do the wrong thing and my kid becomes an axe murderer? What if they never go to Harvard? What if I let them cry too long and they are psychologically damaged? Don't the experts agree that everything must be just right, that I am ruining my child if I don't follow their advice exactly? "Modern psychology says..." insert non-sense here. Modern psychology (or really "pop psychology" in book or blog form) is responsible for all the whimpering, cowardly, self-centered brats that are walking around in sports coats and high heels with the bodies of middle-aged men and women and the emotional and intellectual state of a 12 year...