
Showing posts from February, 2014

Do We Really Believe in the Holy Spirit?

Christians confess in both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds that we "believe in the Holy Spirit".  But Lutheran theologian Hermann Sasse calls us to task for our lack of conviction in regard to this article of faith. No, there is simply nothing that can be raised as an objection to our praying to the Holy Spirit just as we do to the Father and the Son.   Is our neglect of such prayer perhaps the reason why Christianity has erred into so many false pathways?...And of the churches which claim to have the heritage of the Reformation, must we not also say that they, even though in different ways, show loss of the true faith in the Holy Spirit? ( We Confess the Church ) The disagreements between the world and the Church have revolved much around the First Article in regard to Creation, natural law, morality, the role of reason, etc. Christians do not expect non-Christians to accept the Christian faith. That would be silly. We do expect them to be reasonable. But we cann...

To My Daughter

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now: you are pretty.   Half of the people on this planet are female and all of them possess an inherent beauty in their features.   Even when scarred by disease or dangerous accident a woman is a beautiful creation of God.     Some women are prettier than others.   In your life, my dear daughter, there will be women who are prettier than you.   You will be prettier than others.   This is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it really anything to brag about.   It is a blessing from God.   Just be thankful and gracious to others no matter where they fall on the spectrum. You are your mother’s daughter and therefore will probably be on the end of the spectrum that leans toward the prettier.   (You don’t know who many times random strangers have stopped your mother and told her that she is the “most naturally beautiful woman” they have seen.)    But, also because ...

To My Sons

You are probably not going to receive what I received.  When I was growing up my parents moved up through the middle class.  They went from working class, to lower middle class, to middle-middle class.  I got to go to college and seminary.  I did not have to put myself into huge debt to do it. I got to go to college when neither of my parents did.  I make more money than my parents did at my age, even if you adjust for inflation.  In other words, I inherited a better world than my father did.  He inherited a better world than his father. But I don't think that is going to be the case for you.  And I am not really talking about economics.  That is just one example.  But the world, not just the USA, is a changing place, and from my estimation, not for the better. Technology is advancing, and this can certainly be good.  Better medicine.  Easier lives.  But it has its costs, and we have largely lost the ability to analy...

No More Mr. Anonymous

It occurred to me that people should at least leave their name if they are going to comment, so I have disabled anonymous comments on this blog.  No one had been particularly nasty; I just like to know who I am talking to.  Thanks.

Why the Resurrection is the Only Answer that Matters

There seem to be some people who are confused as to why the resurrection of Jesus can make or break the argument for a young earth.  On the surface this is not obvious. Why do Christians care how many days it took to create the earth?  I don't.  It could have taken God half a second.  I could have taken Him 40 trillion years.  Why do Christians (myself included) put stock in the fact that Genesis 1 states that it took 6 days? Because Jesus Christ says that the Law and the Prophets (Genesis included) point to Him.  He endorses the Old Testament on several occasions, including a quote of Genesis 2 when discussing marriage and divorce. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, a clear indication that the claims He made about Himself were true, including His endorsements of the Old Testament.  Jesus rose from the dead showing His followers that He really was the Son of God. If Jesus did not rise from the dead we are, as Paul says, to be pitied above...

One Thing Ken Ham Didn't Say, but Should Have

Tonight came the debate between Ken Ham (creationist) and Bill Nye (evolutionist).  All things considered I thought it was a good debate, a debate from which the people who plan out presidential debates could learn a great many things. There was one point toward the end where the moderator, who also did a fine job of remaining neutral, asked the two men questions gathered from the audience.  One question in particular caught my attention.  It was directed at Ken Ham. He was asked if there were any evidence that could be given that would convince him that the Biblical account of creation was false.  I do not recall his exact answer, but effectively he said "no".  No evidence could shake him in his conviction that God created the world in 6 days. As a Christian, as a 6-day creationist, I was disappointed in this.  Mr Ham did not have the questions beforehand.  He did not have the advantage of hindsight (which I have now).  So I don't want to b...