What Do We Really Want When We Ask for Contemporary Worship?
In his most recent Issues Etc Journal Todd Wilken has this to say about our Sunday morning worship services: What if, when that Sunday morning visitor wandered into church, we made it clear to him that this is the Lord's Day and the Lord's house because the Lord Himself-Jesus-is there? What if everything we said and did while he was visiting our church-every word, gesture, action, song and prayer-clearly confessed this? What if, instead of reengineering the day to fit his expectations, we taught him to expect nothing less than Jesus, in person, forgiving sins? Wilken's line of questioning is right on the money. What is missing from Christian worship is not the right style of music or the right kind of decorations. What is often missing is Jesus. Many churches fail to preach anything resembling the Gospel, and settle for self-help instructions for better living. Yet even among those churches where Christ is proclaimed regularly and the Lord's Supper...