
Showing posts from 2019

It Is Time to Listen to Cory Booker

Cory Booker believes that women need men to stand with them. I couldn't agree more. His open letter to all men in GQ calls on all of us in the masculine sex "to listen, to speak out, and to take action." Let's do it. Start by listening to (and watching) an ultrasound. You can find them all over Youtube. It will change your life. My young bride (we were both barely 21) suspected that God might have blessed our marriage with a new life. She made an appointment and we went together to the physician. He confirmed what her own womanly knowledge had told her: she was 9 weeks pregnant. He also immediately prepared an ultrasound and we were able to see our first son, barely the size of a grape, with his vulnerable little heart firing off 153 beats per minute.    I do not have any experience in the baby-carrying portion of pregnancy. I do, however, have plenty of experience when it comes to listening to the rapid beat of human heart that is smaller than the tip of m...