Husbands, Lead in Love

Husbands and Men Seeking Wives, First, I address this to "men seeking wives" because if you are a boy, you should not be seeking a wife, and if you are just dating around "for fun" then you are not a man, nor are you seeking a wife. You have some growing up to do and some decisions to make before this advice is really applicable to you. For those of you still reading, husbands are to lead their wives. Men seeking a wife are to lead the woman of their interest into a godly decision for or against marriage. And once married, husbands are to lead their households. In Ephesians 5:22-33 Saint Paul tells men that they are to lead their households in love. Wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. They are to follow him as the Church follows Christ. Husbands, then, are to lead. And they lead by loving their wives as Jesus loved the Church. The part about the wives gets a lot of attention because the word "submit" sounds like Pa...