
Rejoice in the Lord always! I say again…yeah right. Why is Paul always so happy? Why is he so insistent that the rest of us be happy too? Rejoice? Be gracious? Don’t be anxious but be at peace? Oh, give me a break. Seriously, Paul was in prison. What did he have to rejoice about? And as far as peace goes, he was forced to be at peace, because the Romans would have killed him if he did anything rambunctious. He can tell us to be happy until he is blue in the face, but we know the truth. There are too many things in this world to not be happy about-too many reasons for sadness, anger, or just plain old melancholy. Rejoice? You mean like when you have been looking for a job to pay off all those student loans you took out to attend that university that sold you on the idea that 90-some percent of their graduates find work after graduation and the best you can do is minimum wage? Rejoice? We sho...