Tonight came the debate between Ken Ham (creationist) and Bill Nye (evolutionist). All things considered I thought it was a good debate, a debate from which the people who plan out presidential debates could learn a great many things. There was one point toward the end where the moderator, who also did a fine job of remaining neutral, asked the two men questions gathered from the audience. One question in particular caught my attention. It was directed at Ken Ham. He was asked if there were any evidence that could be given that would convince him that the Biblical account of creation was false. I do not recall his exact answer, but effectively he said "no". No evidence could shake him in his conviction that God created the world in 6 days. As a Christian, as a 6-day creationist, I was disappointed in this. Mr Ham did not have the questions beforehand. He did not have the advantage of hindsight (which I have now). So I don't want to b...
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