Why All Citizens Have a Stake in Their Local Public School
schools are falling on hard times. A
while back Governor Quinn announced that he believed Illinois needed to cut
back, dramatically, on the number of school districts. Whether you agree with him or not, you have
to admit, that is not going to be a good thing for small schools. The smaller the school, the more likely it is
to be consolidated.
the governor’s, or the government’s, plans may be I believe that all citizens
should take interest in their local public school. Each one of us benefits from the public
school system in the United States. And
I write this as the pastor of a Lutheran congregation that operates a parochial
(non-public) grade school.
I do
not think that a public school education is appropriate for all students. I send my children to our Lutheran
school. Yet I also believe that our
local communities benefit from having small, locally governed public schools.
Grade School is a great example of this benefit. First, it benefits our Lutheran school to
have a small public school right down the street. The public school provides services to
students who wish to have a Lutheran, Christ –centered education, but need a
little extra help with speech or reading, extra help that the parochial school
would be hard pressed to provide.
Our two
schools have a long history of cooperation.
We have a long standing sports cooperative agreement. Our students ride their bus. We advertise their fundraisers in our church
bulletin. Several members of our
congregation serve as members of the HGS board.
It is easier for our school to get what limited state funds are
available to us through the smaller, less bureaucratic, local public school
than it would be if the district were much larger. I believe both schools benefit from this
close arrangement.
a small, local, public school benefits the local community too. Just as public school is not for everyone,
Lutheran school may not be suitable for all either. While our school will accommodate any student
that we can, not all will choose to attend.
For whatever reason, public school is the best option for some families.
When a
student can attend classes a few blocks from home in a school operated by their
close neighbors and people who share their values, the whole community is
strengthened. When a parent is likely to
run into the board chairman at the grain elevator it is likely that the
chairman will want to keep families happy.
When the school board is small and the community is small, one voice
(your voice) counts much more than in a larger area. It is easier to influence the education
system when it is small and local.
of course, is not to mention any of the benefits of having a well-educated society. Education is good. I think we can all agree on that.
I am
not suggesting that a public school always does everything right, or that those
who run public schools (or any schools for that matter) need our uncritical
praise. I am suggesting that if you have
a small, local public school, you will miss it when it is gone, whether you
have children there or not.
So get
involved. Influence the board of your
local school to have the best public education that there can be for your
community. If your children go to a
parochial school, count the blessings of having a good relationship with the
public school. There are probably
blessings that you don’t always see.
Support and encourage those who fight to keep these local schools
open. There is much work that goes on
behind the scenes. Be a friend to the
teachers who work with the local students.
They are guiding and teaching your neighbors.
I do
not know what the future holds for the small, local, public school. I am, however, thankful for their past work,
and I am trying to do my small part to encourage them in the present.
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