(To read the first sermon in this series click here.)
by God’s grace, we forgive in the name of Jesus.
It is clear that following the
Ascension of Jesus the events surrounding Easter were central to the preaching
of the Apostles, especially Saint Peter, who does most of the talking for the
first half of the book of Acts. The
suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus was the content of the Word that
was proclaimed.
how you receive this message depends upon which side of the one saving faith
you are on. Following the events of
Pentecost Peter preaches a powerful sermon that proves from the Old Testament
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah they have all been waiting for
since the time of King David.
And guess
what?! They killed Him! The nation of Israel had been looking for the
coming of the Christ for hundreds of years.
He came, and they crucified Him.
“Oops” does not even begin to cover it.
They murdered their Savior. What
would they do now?
Peter’s sermon
is a powerful call to repentance. Those
who had gathered around became convicted that they had done wrong. They had committed a crime that was so evil,
so heinous, that it was unforgivable by their standards. They crucified the Son of God. What hope did they have that God would care
for them at all?
Let’s unpack
this for a minute. It is bad enough that
they killed their own king, their own savior.
But they did worse. What is the
absolute worst thing that you could do to another person? Think, the absolute worst.
If you ask me,
it would be to murder my child. That is
the worst that you could do to me. And
that is exactly what Israel did to God.
They murdered His only,
innocent, Son.
And so did
you. This call to repentance is not only
for the people of Israel. It is not only
to the Jews. It is for you. For me.
Why did Jesus
suffer and die? For your sins. If you had never committed sin, then you
would be free from this guilt. But you
are not. You know it.
Our idolatry,
spiritual laziness, disobedience, anger, lust, greed, and lies, those things
that we do put Jesus Christ on the cross.
The result of your sin, the result of my sin, is that God’s Son
died. We killed Him. You and I are responsible. So what are we going to do now that He has
The answer for
Israel, the answer for you and me, is the same: Repent, be baptized into Jesus,
receive the forgiveness of your sins, receive the Holy Spirit. This call to repentance quickly becomes a
promise of forgiveness.
3000 people
jumped at the chance. They had murdered
God’s Son and God was set and ready to forgive them. These men and women and children, condemned
and guilty, had their sins washed away in the waters of baptism. They received forgiveness for the evils they
had committed. They received the Holy
Most of you have
been baptized already. Whether you have
or not it is a good time to remember that in this water you are brought to
Jesus and He cleanses you from all guilt.
The condemned sinner dies and a new person rises free from the
punishment we deserve.
Baptism is, for
many, their first encounter with forgiveness, their first experience of the
Holy Spirit, but it need not be the last.
Forgiveness is not something we receive once and never need again. It has become our way of life.
I want to say
that again: Forgiveness has become
our way of life. It is what we
constantly receive from God and it is what we constantly give to others.
Think about it:
you murdered God’s Son.
What else will
God refuse to forgive? The answer is
“nothing”. Idolatry, spiritual laziness,
disobedience, anger, lust, greed, and lies are nothing compared to that one
most heinous murder. And so baptism is
not just God’s one-time forgiveness. It
is His promise of daily forgiveness for every single sin, no matter how huge it
may seem.
When we confess
our sins God is faithful and just. He
forgives us for the sake of Jesus who died for us. Those who are forgiven of their sins receive
the Holy Spirit. They receive the
promise of life everlasting.
And those who
are not forgiven, those who refuse the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, are not
forgiven. They do not have the
Spirit. They do not have life, but death
This is why
forgiveness is the first task of the Christian congregation. Look at what we have received. Our entire worship service is saturated with
forgiveness. Absolution, the Lord’s
Supper, Baptism, these are the means of grace, the way that God pours out His
forgiveness upon us. God wants all
people to receive this same gift. And
that is what we want as well.
The pastor is
called, first and foremost, to be “the absolution man”. He calls us to repent because of our
sin. He promises us the forgiveness of
God Himself. If your pastor is not doing
this he cannot in good conscience call himself a Christian pastor.
The forgiveness
of sins remains front and center for the congregation, and for its individual
members. Because you have been forgiven,
because you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you too can forgive the sins of
Freely you have
received the gift of forgiveness. The
Holy Spirit empowers you to forgive others freely too. People will sin against you. They will harm you, steal from you, tell lies
about you. God has erased your sin that
you may erase theirs.
You do not need
to hold their sin against them. You can
give to them exactly what you have received from God: the chance to repent and
the promise of forgiveness.
In marriage, in
family, at work, or at play the world needs forgiveness. And the Christian Church is the only entity
empowered by the Holy Spirit to give it.
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