Amen! That is the word of the day. Jesus has taught us, in the Lord’s Prayer, to
pray as sons. Not as slaves. Not as beggars. Not as strangers. But as sons, “Our Father in heaven.”
the Lord’s Prayer we ask for some rather lofty things. These are no mere trifles and trinkets. This is the stuff of necessity. And it is costly, worth a king’s ransom and
pray that God’s name would be kept holy, that we would live according to His
Word. We pray that His kingdom would
come, that the Church would grow in faith and love and that Christ would return
to raise the dead. We pray that God’s
will would be done, that His gracious desires would be fulfilled for our good.
has taught us to pray that God would give all that we need to support this body
and life, that He would give our daily bread.
We pray for the forgiveness of our sins, strength against temptation,
and deliverance from evil.
when we are done, to all of this we add our “Amen!” When the prayer is concluded, when we are
finished asking for God to restore the universe and our meager lives too, then
we say, “Yes, Yes, it shall be so!”
is, after all, how Martin Luther explains the meaning of “amen” in the Small
Catechism. The Greek word “amen” means,
“Yes, indeed!” It is a statement of strong
affirmation and agreement. It is the
statement of faith, a firm conviction that this prayer will be heard and
answered by God Himself.
the fault with our modern prayers is not a lack of humility, but a lack of confidence,
a lack of faith. “Well, God, if you have
time, maybe you could…” “Lord, if you
feel like it, might you possibly…” We
pray like pansies, like wimps. Hear
is therefore a hurtful delusion when people so pray that they dare not
wholeheartedly add their ‘Yes, it shall be so’ nor conclude with certainty that
God hears their prayer, but instead remain doubtful and say, ‘How dare I have
the audacity to boast that God heard my prayer?
After all, I am only a poor sinner,’ etc. This shows that they are fastening their gaze
not on God’s promise but on their own works and their own worthiness, thus
despising God and calling Him a Liar.”
is a certain audacity to this prayer. We
are to come before God with confidence, with faith. We pray as dear children to their dear
we are going to pray based upon our own works and merits, then of course we
should be timid. If we are going to
approach God based upon our own worthiness then humility is an understatement. We would not dare to speak to God a single
perhaps the problem is just the opposite.
It is not that we are too timid to pray, but we are too afraid that God
might actually answer. And so we either
don’t pray at all, or we pray half-heartedly.
It would
drastically change my life if God’s name, kingdom, and will were first and
foremost in my life. God might actually
take away my addiction, and then what?
He might really let me grow in faith and love. Then what would I do?
But I know what
many of you are thinking: “I have prayed.
I have fallen on my knees, on my face, and bleed my heart out to God
begging for deliverance, begging for healing.
You know what He said? He said, ‘No.’”
We have stopped
praying, or prayed with less confidence, because we fear that one little word:
is a day to repent of false humility in our prayers. It is a day to acknowledge that we have
prayed, not with faith, but with uncertainty.
We have prayed timidly, based on our own worthiness, uncertain because
of our own sin. It is the day to repent
that we have prayed in fear of getting what we ask for, of the upheaval it might
bring into our lives. It is a day to
repent of failing to believe that all of God’s promises are “yes” in Jesus
and believe, because today is the day that Jesus is validated. This is when Christ proves that all of God’s
promises are “YES!” This is when God
reveals that His plan for this world—for you—is not death and destruction, but
resurrection and life! Today God gives
His “Amen” to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.
is God’s guarantee. It is His promise of
grace and favor. God is for us. He will never be against us.
is Jesus’ resurrection that gives us confidence to pray. But it is not just about prayer. It is about life lived under God’s
you walk out the door each morning you can do that with faith in God’s care for
you. When you set your hand to the plow
or begin a new task, you can be certain that your work is favored by God. As you care for your family, assist your
neighbors, volunteer in the community, do so with firm trust that Jesus is with
you. Have the audacity to believe that
God is for you.
God really atoned for my sin with the death and resurrection of Jesus? Yes He has.
God truly adopted me through the waters of baptism to be His child? Certainly, yes. Amen!
He really feed me with the sacrifice of Christ, giving me His very body and
blood? He does. Amen!
God still speak words of Law and Gospel, words to drive out sin and strengthen
faith, words to call to repentance and to forgive? Yes.
pray boldly, confidently, as sons, “Our Father in heaven…” Will God answer this prayer? Yes!
He has done it and He will always do it.
take one specific look at how we use this word, “Amen,” in our worship
services. On page 214 in your hymnal, Lutheran Service Book, I say, “Upon
this your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained
servant of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all of you, and in the
stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all your sins in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
And you say, “Amen.” Like, “Yeah, ok,
No, not “ok.” No, not “whatever.”
“Yes, yes, it
shall be so!”
Your sins are
forgiven, removed as far as the east is from the west. Do you believe that? Amen!
Christ is
risen! Do you believe that? Amen!
You are granted
eternal, everlasting, never-ending life.
Do you believe that? Amen!
[Read the other sermons here: Our Father; Hallowed Be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will Be Done; Give Us Our Daily Bread; Forgive Us; Lead Us not into Temptation; Deliver Us from Evil; AMEN!]
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