My Father...

Jesus teaches His disciples to pray. He begins the prayer by addressing God as "our Father". Lately, in light of Father's Day, I have been praying this personally as "my Father". For some reason this hits me hard, to think that God condescends to allow me to call Him "Father". Saint Paul, in his letter to the Galatian Christians, writes that we have been adopted as sons of God through Christ Jesus. I am completely and totally unworthy to call God "my Father" and yet He allows it, even encourages it. When I pray, I am not begging at the doorstep of some "holier-than-thou" cleric. I am allowed, by God's grace, to ask anything of Him "as dear children ask their dear father." (Martin Luther, Small Catechism)

Of course this is all because I have been baptized into Christ Jesus. Jesus is the only true Son of God. He is worthy to address God as Father. That is not only His privilege, but His right. In baptism we put on Christ (Galatians 3:27). Now when God looks at me He does not see me. He sees Jesus, worthy to call Him "Father". Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for baptism, which unites me with Jesus and covers me with His righteous death and resurrection. I can call upon "my Father in heaven" in any need.


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