Christian Whack-a Mole

Verses like I John 3:6 scare the heck out of me! "No one who abides in [Jesus] keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him."
So why then does my life constantly feel like a living version of whack-a-mole? Do you know that game? You stand in from of this machine with mole-holes cut into the top of it holding a large mallet. When a mole sticks its head out of a hole, you whack it. But then two more pop up, and you whack those. Then two or three more. Then pretty soon you are so busy thumping moles over the head with your mallet that the rest of the world seems irrelevant. Finally the game is over and the moles go back to rest.
I push down one sin, and another quickly takes its place. I think I have rid myself of greed only to have anger and pride creep up. How long can this go on? Can I really be a Christian when sin keeps popping up in my life faster than I can whack it down?
That is when I must also take comfort in passages like I John 3:2. "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him; because we shall see him as he is."
Although a Christian should not attempt to persist in sin, but rather fight against it tooth and nail, we will remain sinful until the day of the Resurrection. But on that day, on that glorious day, we shall see Jesus Christ in all his revealed glory. And we will be sinless, as he is sinless. We will be immortal, as he is immortal. And we shall have perfect and eternal joy, all from being the in blissful presence of Jesus Christ, who is our Advocate with the Father, who is Lord over all.
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