Children's Hymn for Holy Week

From earth below up to the cross
Christ bore our burdens and our loss,
And there a full atonement made;
gained glory that shall never fade.

He enters Zion as her king.
The people all his praises sing.
"Give honor now to David's son,
Hosanna to the holy one."

Forth from the temple courts he drove
The money changers, lamb, and dove.
"My house shall be a house of prayer
For all who come and worship there."

With schemes and questions did they come
To test the right of David's son.
He answered all their queries told
And showed himself now David's Lord.

He prophesied the coming night
When none shall work, so filled with fright.
No man can know that day or hour.
The king will judge in righteous power.

In humble dress he washed their feet;
Portrayed a love for all to meet.
Then gave his body and his blood;
A sacrifice of holy food.

Betrayed by all he called by name
He carried cross and sin and shame.
The punishment of man came down
From God's own hand upon his Son.

His body in the tomb was laid.
Now all the world from sin was saved.
In him the world receives its rest.
His brood he gathers to his breast.

Behold, the stone is rolled away
And linen cloths now empty lay.
The women run to share the word
That Christ is risen, our God and Lord.

Where is thy sting, O death and sin?
For now the grave cannot hold in
Those baptized into Jesus Christ,
Who share the resurrection life!


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