We stand for the Resurrection!
We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
Jesus Christ shall return. You might believe that. You might not. But He will.
And when He returns He will raise the dead, all of us, and judge everyone according to their deeds (Revelation 20:12-13).
If you believe that you have been good enough, done enough, loved enough, been nice enough, then you are wrong. We shall all be judged, and if we are judged merely upon our own deeds, our own appearance, then we will be condemned to everlasting death.
Yet we have been covered by the robe of Christ's righteousness. At the judgment, those who are covered by Christ, who have been given His righteousness as a gift through the Word of God (including Baptism and the Lord's Supper), shall live forever in a new world.
That is our only hope.
It is our sure hope.
Stand, and wait patiently for the return of Christ. Behold He is coming soon. Come Lord Jesus!
[Next: We stand for Free Civil Will!]
Jesus Christ shall return. You might believe that. You might not. But He will.
And when He returns He will raise the dead, all of us, and judge everyone according to their deeds (Revelation 20:12-13).
If you believe that you have been good enough, done enough, loved enough, been nice enough, then you are wrong. We shall all be judged, and if we are judged merely upon our own deeds, our own appearance, then we will be condemned to everlasting death.
Yet we have been covered by the robe of Christ's righteousness. At the judgment, those who are covered by Christ, who have been given His righteousness as a gift through the Word of God (including Baptism and the Lord's Supper), shall live forever in a new world.
That is our only hope.
It is our sure hope.
Stand, and wait patiently for the return of Christ. Behold He is coming soon. Come Lord Jesus!
[Next: We stand for Free Civil Will!]
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