We stand for Saints!

Regular saints, not super saints.

A saint is a man or woman made holy by God in Christ.  The term may properly be applied to anyone who has been reborn by the power of God's Word and Spirit.

The saints are not some special class of Christian who have proven themselves to be "better Christians" than everyone else.  No miracles or good works on our part are required, only the regenerative work of God.

To be certain, we often speak of those who have died in the faith to be "sainted".  This is simply a reference to the fact that those who have died in Christ are now resting in His presence and no longer struggle with sin. 

But why do we remember the saints?  Why should we study the lives of the men and women who were Christians before us?  So that we might be encouraged by their example in the faith.

History is filled with saints who have proclaimed the Gospel in the face of adversity, who fed the hungry and clothed the naked, who cared for their families in a selfless manner, who died holding on to the cross of Christ for their salvation.

History is filled with saints who sinned, who knew that they were wretched sinners, who could do nothing apart from Christ and so they gave all glory to Him, they trusted Him, they depended upon Him for life (now, and in the world to come).

The saints are not gods.  We have no reason to believe that they can hear our prayers, or even if they could hear them, that they could respond to them.  If they could speak to us they would all tell us the same thing: don't pray to me; pray to God, Father, Son, and Spirit. 

Only they can save you.  Only Christ's work can make you holy, make you a saint.

[Next: We stand for Both Kinds!] 


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