Be Prepared

There is a big move these days
for people to be prepared, believe it or not, for the “zombie apocalypse”. It is not that they really believe in
zombies, but they are preparing themselves to live in a world devoid of
electricity, government assistance, and general modern convenience.
call these people “preppers”. They are
prepared, prepped, for a dark and unknown future. They have a year’s supply of canned food and
bottled water in their basement and enough guns and ammunition to defend their
home indefinitely.
is a little bit to the extreme, but we are a society of people who like to be
prepared. How many of you have been
prepared for the next great stock market crash since the 1940’s? How many have a little nest egg saved up for
the next dust bowl?
I’m not judging
you. There is nothing wrong with
that. In fact I hope you are prepared
for the proverbial rainy day, that like Joseph in Egypt you have stored up
during the plentiful years to make your way through the lean years.
You might be
preparing for retirement, or to open a business, or build a house. You might be preparing to have a baby, or go
on a trip, or to go off to college, or to find your first real job. Preparation is a good thing.
Jesus even warns
his disciples to be prepared for His second coming with the parable of the 10
virgins. I know the final verse says
that they should “watch”. But it is just
as acceptable to translate this word as “be prepared”.
You see, the
problem with the 5 foolish virgins was not that they fell asleep. In fact, all ten slept. The difference between them was that the 5
wise young women were prepared for the long night. They carried extra oil in their lamps. The foolish ones were not prepared, and so
they miss the coming of the bridegroom and they miss out on the party entirely.
The message to
us is the same: be prepared for the coming of the Christ, for you do not know the day
or the hour. Keep oil in your
lamps. If you must sleep between now and
His certain coming, then sleep in preparedness.
Sleep in the comfort that all will be well because your heart is
prepared to see Him.
Trust me, you do
not want to miss out on this wedding feast.
When I was a kid, and even up through my time in college, I did not
really give much thought to what comes after death. I just assumed it would be sort of boring. I figured we died, got our halo and our harp
and our wings, lost our feet, and floated around the golden streets in the
clouds singing “Kumbaya”.
But the feast
that is to come at the return of Jesus is nothing like that. It will be the party of the millennium, and
more. The entire universe will celebrate
the victory of God over evil. There will
be food and music and dancing and resurrection.
New heavens, new earth, new bodies.
There will be bliss, and joy, and ecstasy as we have never imagined
could exist. So be prepared for when the
bridegroom returns. It is going to be
To be prepared,
we must keep our lamps burning indefinitely with extra oil. But what does that mean? What is this oil of which we speak?
The light of the
lamp is faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, His death and Resurrection. And the fuel that this faith runs upon is the
Word of God: the Gospel, Baptism, and Communion.
Apart from
Christ there is no light, no oil, no hope.
Those who have not the flame of faith cannot hope to ignite even the
tiniest spark of trust that God will recognize.
We need Jesus to give oil in our lamps, to keep the flame burning, to
make our hearts prepared.
To be prepared
for the return of Christ is to keep the flame of faith alive by storing up the
Word of God in our hearts. It means that
we are constantly and consistently on the receiving end of His grace and mercy in the fellowship of the Church.
The danger with
skipping worship services is not that God will be angry with you, but that your
oil will run low and your faith will burn out.
And then, Christ will not recognize you.
The light of
faith is God’s gift to us so that on the day of Christ’s return we would be
fully visible to Him. Jesus will see us,
not as creatures of the night, but as His chosen ones who have been eagerly
awaiting His arrival.
Here in the
divine service we receive the oil of the Gospel. Our sins are absolved. The Scriptures enlighten our minds. The sacraments bring Christ to us. God blesses us. Our lamp runneth over. And because of that the flame of faith will
burn all the brighter.
For your
unpreparedness, for your lack of enthusiasm about the gifts of God, His oil for
your lamp, repent. Throw your sin on the
funeral pyre. And rejoice that Jesus has
bled, died, and risen for sinners just like you.
Jesus died to
clean out the muck of sin that was clogging up our lamps. He rose to fill us with the oil of His grace,
His word, His righteousness. And He sent
His Spirit to keep that flame well fueled and burning bright.
Here, in this
Christian Church, that same Spirit daily and richly forgives your sins and the
sins of all believers in Christ. That is
how Jesus keeps you prepared. He fills
you here with His Word and Spirit, and the fire rages on.
When Christ
returns there will be a party, a feast like the universe has never seen. And the Christ who has invited us will also
welcome us. He will open the door, more
than that, He will lead us through. He
will be the chief celebrator. Jesus will
be dancing as King David before the Ark of the Covenant. And we will follow suit.
Jesus Christ has
invited you to partake of His wedding banquet.
He ignites your flame of faith.
In this Christian Church He keeps you prepared to receive Him. The bridegroom is coming soon to open the
door and get this party started.
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